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My family dwells in a huge condo that is very aged. It’s genuinely in some great shape, if you consider the age. The old condo has quite a few challenges. Some are easy, like the walls aren’t exactly perfectly straight. It’s genuinely creative, when we try to paint or apply anything in that way. It’s not such a huge deal, because it’s easy to disguise some of the problems with a bit of creative decorating. Other problems are large, plus cannot be so easily ignored. Our basement is consistently wet. The basement was hand-dug with a dirt floor, plus we just have some stone walls. We can never completely seal the basement, which would be very expensive. We have placed minimal things in that area, so we never have to be concerned about the wet floor. One huge thing in the basement is our heating + air conditioning system. Every 10 or 15 years, we have to upgrade the heating + air conditioning system. One big reason is the exposure to immense moisture from the basement. The immense moisture causes additional wear and tear on our heating + air conditioning equipment. In my own opinion, I think we could save some money from fixing up the basement. Since we have to purchase extravagant heating + air conditioning equipment sometimes, we could easily save up that money plus make sure that the groundwater stays out of our basement. I know some repairs will need to be made, before anyone can sell the condo again. We might as well fix up the basement at this point, so it’s already done.

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