My wife and me were wanting to upgrade our HVAC system. We never got around to speaking to an actual HVAC specialist until recently, and she finally convinced me that we both needed to absolutely go to the heating and cooling company to see if they could install what we wanted. We were looking into in a geothermal heating and cooling system. We both wanted to have a safe heating and cooling system that would be harshly energy efficient. We both had plenty of cash saved to afford a costly installation, but i also had learned a lot about geothermal HVAC systems on the internet and knew that the energy savings would be so great, we both would eventually recoop the cost of the installation. The geothermal cooling and heating systems are more efficient than any HVAC unit around because they pull natural air directly from the ground. The installation of such a system is pricey mostly because of the deep drilling that is involved for installation; You have to dig deep to get access to the natural heating as well as cooling of the Earth. The thing that’s most impressive to me is the fact that there is easily no combustion involved which means there is really norisk of carbon monoxide poisoning as well as there is no pollution involved. The repair would be entirely little and these systems last forever; My wife and me were absolutely disappointed when the HVAC specialist told us they didn’t have any geothermal HVAC systems available at their place of business. We both were going to have to look elsewhere for our geothermal HVAC unit system.