One thing that’s typically tripped myself and others up about DIY household repairs is the process of cleaning plus maintaining your own heating, ventilation plus air conditioning device. I’ve read tons of articles online about how “any average joe can do it”, plus that the entire system can be cleaned plus tested with a little knowledge. I suppose “little” is the keyword here, because I wouldn’t use that word to describe the extensive training plus certification that all HVAC service professionals must undergo! I still remember checking out a single article about how to perform a complete gas furnace inspection, all by yourself. The article started with the writer saying that disassembling the gas furnace was rather simple once the power plus gas line was completely shut off. If you’ve never tried to cut the power to an appliance, or attempt to shut down the gas line for your stove or gas furnace, you really shouldn’t do it! Leave this kind of labor to a professional in the heating plus A/C industry, as messing with the circuit breakers can be dangerous if you aren’t sure of what you’re doing. Even if you succeed in making sure you don’t shock yourself as you remove the exterior of the gas furnace, the firebox inside the gas furnace can still easily burn you if the system was just up plus running! If the sizzling interior doesn’t burn you, the actual burners that generate heat could burn you also. I can’t stress this enough – if you’re at all hesitant to perform your own heating or air conditioning device repairs, just hire a pro to do it. Your bills will pale in comparison to what you’ll spend on hospital bills after you hurt yourself attempting to do it on your own!