I know the worst thing about going camping is the unbearable heat. My spouse constantly seems to want to go camping right in the middle of the summer. I keep telling him that summertime is when the bugs are the worst and the heat is the worst! But he just won’t wait until fall to go. I don’t understand him. To me, air conditioner is one of the great seven wonders of the world. I will go someplace for air conditioner. As you know, there is no air conditioner when you’re going camping! It’s just oppressive, sticky heat and bugs, bugs, bugs, and yeah, I know, it’s about being one with nature and all of that. No thank you! I am not interested in the least. Take myself and others in the fall when the leaves are nice and colorful and the temperatures have cooled down. In the fall, you don’t genuinely have to worry about turning down your control device and you don’t have to sit and cry about the terrible heat. That’s what I do when I’m camping, anyway. I don’t know why my spouse keeps insisting that I go. Maybe he thinks that I’ll grow to love it someday. I’ve got news for him, though. I will never ever love camping in high temperatures. Maybe if he gets myself and others a portable air conditioner, I’d be able to tolerate it a little bit better. As of now, I just dread it. Our yearly trip is coming up and I’m thinking about getting “sick,” just so he will have to go without me! I will stay apartment in the nice cool air conditioner while he goes out and sweats his butt off while getting eaten by mosquitos!