In the last fifteen or twenty years, completely working from home or remotely grew in importance to employees plus their employers. For myself and others, the flexibility and benefits of being at your home for work were numerous. To start with, the commute from my family to our lake current family room, is a whole lot less stressful than the hour and a half drive that I used to make to the office six times a week. Not to mention, that I could stay in my pajamas or pull on some comfortable leggings to begin my work day. During the Winter, not having to bundle up for the cold outside hot plus cold temperatures, is an amazing bonus. One of the possible downsides to totally working from home, could be the constant use of your heating and cooling system. When I began finally working from home, I was determined not to have an excessive utility bill due to having to use the electric furnace or the air conditioner more while I was in the day. I discovered that keeping our HVAC unit diagnosed properly was key to our energy savings. I right away set an appointment with a local heating and air conditioning company to have our electric furnace diagnosed, since it was the start of Winter. The one preventive service that my partner knew to perform was cleaning the air filter. So I wasn’t surprised that the air filter was scrubbed and didn’t need to be replaced. However, when the heating and AC service man evaluated the burners in the gas furnace, he noted that they were dirty and needed cleaning. The HVAC contractor explained that dust often accumulates on the electric burners throughout the summertime, so he cleaned the burners plus made sure that they were not rusted and were aligned properly. The electric furnace was running well plus the current house was heated comfortably when I strolled into the family room the next afternoon still in my house slippers.