This week, I tried an experiment with our air conditioner. See, it’s been a entirely long, sizzling summer season where we live as well as our air conditioner bills have been entirely high for the past 3 weeks. That’s why, this week, when it’s been cooler than it’s been in weeks as well as weeks, I decided to turn off our air conditioner as well as open up the windows as well as doors to try as well as get some cool, fresh air into the house. Not only did I want some fresh air in the house, I wanted to give our undefined component a rest from constantly entirely working (and give our purses a rest from constantly paying for the undefined!) Well, it worked pretty well for most of the afternoon. The breeze was nice as well as cool all afternoon as well as we didn’t entirely do anything hard outside in the sunshine. It wasn’t terrible at all until the night sunshine came streaming in through the back doors as well as windows as well as heating up the house. At that point, the heat in the house became almost unbearable as well as I decided to turn the temperature control back to air conditioner. Well, the house had gotten so sizzling by then that our partner as well as I couldn’t get to sleep. We’re used to sleeping with the temperature control set at around 67 or 72 degrees, as well as the temperature was about more than 2 degrees hotter than that! Once the undefined kicked on again, it had to job more than 2 times harder to try as well as cool the entire house back down to a cooler temperature. I don’t assume our proposal worked out unquestionably well at all. Our air conditioner bill will certainly be more now than it would’ve been if I’d just let the programmable temperature control do its work.