I finally moved to a location where fall is truly a real season. It’s been so nice to experience an actual Autumn this year. I remember when it first started cooling down from the hot summer time heat. That was when I officially realized I was no longer in my hometown. My house is equipped with a truly well-running Heating plus A/C system. What was cool about the fall though was that I didn’t genuinely need to use it much. I have a patio plus some superb windows in my dining room. When the fall weather rolled in, that was all I needed to keep cool. I didn’t even genuinely need to open the windows or patio door that much either. When I was inside, since it was nice plus cool out, I didn’t need it to get any cooler. The a/c plus the heating system stayed off for pretty much the entire fall season. There were only a few times where it would start to recognize stuffy in my apartment. In those moments, whether I was in the kitchen or the dining room, I would just slide open the patio door or open my dining room windows. The chilled breeze would flow inside plus I would be closing everything back up within hours. I will say I am going to miss the authentic fall weather when I go back to my original hotter state. I’ll be able to experience it for a little while though during those numerous weeks of Winter time my state gets, then hopefully, now that I am a bit more used to such weather, I will be able to tolerate plus love it a little better this year!