Moving somewhere warmer

I live in the deep south where it is swampy and very humid even during the dry season in the colder months.  We tend to get a lot of rain as well as thunderstorms in the late Summer when it’s the hottest and most humid out.  Our electrical grid in this town isn’t fantastic, not to mention the jungle-like environment with tall trees as well as branches forking out from the ground in every conceivable direction.  Without fail, every year when August rolls around, the rainstorms barrell their way in and our power goes out more than 4 times a month. I wasn’t too concerned about it when I first moved down here because I was used to living in a more arid environment up north where a half-day power outage just meant you’d spend most of your afternoon in the sun without much extra fuss or hassle.  But where I live right now it gets particularly bad inside our house if our power goes out for even just a few hours at a time. My aged a/c has a hard enough time as it is trying to keep up when it has a steady stream of power running to it. But if I lose electricity, the indoor temperatures start to skyrocket fast. The worst think of all is the nasty humidity. It makes our skin all sticky and it aggravates our allergies. Anytime the power cuts off my heart drops waiting and hoping that it will kick right back on; as it does at least half of the time I just need to get used to this modern environment as well as tell myself that it’s a necessary evil a handful of times out of the year.

heater repair