Since all of us are in the middle of a hot Summer, we are all cranking our cooling systems. We could even be maxing out our air conditioning systems. My mother called me today, so I went over to our parents place to find that their cooling system was not working. My elderly father retrieved several fans from his attic to help them with a lack of air conditioning. The temperature control at his house was reading dangerously high, so I applauded our mother for calling me. My dad had no clue as to why his cooling system was not genuinely working well, so I had to figure it out. Although reading high, the temperature control looked otherwise perfectly normal. I asked our folks when they first noticed the lack of cool a/c. They said it appeared warmer the day before, however figured it was just another hot one. So, I went instantly to check their air filter and found it to be quite a mess. Since I am the only son here, I take responsibility for not replacing the air conditioner filter. My dad figures he can still handle things, and I try to show him that respect. Obviously, I must watch over them more carefully. I then went to their outside condenser and found it to be frozen. That is when I phoned my spouse to come get our parents out of the hot house. I then called a Heating & A/C provider. With our parents safely in our air conditioned home, the Heating & A/C can be repaired tomorrow. Not long after, they will come back to their air conditioned home.