My kid wanted a pet for her upcoming birthday. I had avoided this topic for as long as I could. Like most kids, she was an creature lover. It didn’t matter what type or where both of us saw it. She loved cats, cats, lizards and squirrels. In fact, she is so comfortable with creatures that she had the patience to get a squirrel to eat from her hand at a park on day. So I couldn’t deny her the chance to enjoy her own pet. Besides making sure that she would be responsible to feed, clean and take care of whatever pet both of us decided to get her, I also wanted to know how the pet hair and dandruff would affect our heating and air conditioning system. I learned from our heating and air conditioning service person that even if our pet has short hair, their fur and dander could build up in the air filters. This is because the air conditioning sucks up air in the lake house when it or the furnace blows air throughout the house. If our lake house is filled with pet hair, creature dander or even other contaminants, they could accumulate on the filter and end up clogging it. When an air filter is plugged, it forces the heating and air conditioning plan to work harder to produce heated or cool air. Of course when the plan has to work harder because of inefficient parts, it pulls more electricity and increases our utility bill. I thought long and hard about this decision and how it may affect my heating and air conditioning system. Besides having an effective way to handle the pet hair and dandruff floating around the house I had to have a preventive plan for maintaining the heating and air conditioning system. The heating and air conditioning service worker requested that both of us change our air filter biweekly on a proper schedule and invest in an air purification system.