Just recently, the people I spend time with an addition to myself when you and Lee learned a lot about our A/C device. It certainly came to a shop for the people in addition to myself, because we did not know numerous things about our own heating, ventilation, in addition to A/C device. When the people in addition to myself realized there were certainly signs of warm air from our A/C device, we certainly looked through a lot of information booklet to genuinely locate the problem. After spending an hour troubleshooting the heating, ventilation, in addition to A/C device, the people I was with an addition to myself narrow down our problem to a lack of cold refrigerant. The cold refrigerant was responsible for making the air cold inside of our Log Cabin. It came to a shop when the people in addition to myself had managed to successfully locate the issue with our heating, ventilation, in addition to A/C device. Much to our dismay, we certainly still had to contact a local provider for help. Since our heating, ventilation, in addition to A/C device had somehow become low on this cold refrigerant, it was certainly clear there might have been numerous additional issues that would need some type of assistance. This type of leak could very well be costly, because the refrigerant for our heating, ventilation, in addition to A/C device does not come very cheap. At least we certainly have more knowledge to help us out in the future, and that will definitely help us out.