In FL, you must make sure you’re a/c is in great condition because of the great high heat we have here. This is because you will have some afternoons where it’s so tepid hot outside all you want to do is stay inside in the a/c, as for heating well, you don’t normally use your oil furnace as much as you’re a/c, because here in FL when it’s Christmas afternoon it’s normally 74-75 degrees with small chilly winds. No need to even turn your oil furnace on; The small breeze doesn’t feel cold, however it’s just enough to keep you feeling comfortable… With using you’re a/c regularly all throughout the year it’s important to have you’re a/c yearly checked to make sure everything is easily working respectfully as well as no leaks, and yearly a/c inspections help with your light bill. Since you’re constantly running the a/c, your light bill might be a little high. Especially if you’re a/c is leaking you can expect your bill to be higher. Always take precautions as well as keep your home inspected yearly. You will thank me for this advise later. Believe me, you really really will with all your heart! I promise!