In the deep south, the heat begins to come around during the spring. By early spring, it is usual to see temperatures in the upper 90s. It only gets worse from that point on. Every afternoon after that seems to go more with heat as well as moisture, however nights are so heated that simply having a ceiling fan on isn’t good enough. My boyfriend and I tried that as well as found that it was easily better to sleep with windows shut than to leave them open as well as endure the nighttime warmth. Once we took all that we could from the southern heat, we invested in a brand new Heating plus Air Conditioning unit for our house. My boyfriend and I got a great deal on it as well as it was delivered on schedule as well as installed without any complications. That was until a month went by as well as my boyfriend as well as I found ourselves soaking wet with sweat at 12. I inspected the indoor temperature nozzle as well as it said everything was now working alright. However, when my boyfriend looked over the outside unit he saw that fans were moving easily sluggish like, if not at all. I spent the rest of the night as well as bright early part of day picking apart the inner parts of the a/c unit to now avail. I called the shop from where we bought the HVAC unit as well as they said that we could return it, but it would take a few weeks to come back repaired.