The hottest most humid Summer is bearable for me. I appreciate soaking in that heat. It is what I grew up with plus it is what I know. After all, I am currently living in a condo that does not even have air conditioning right now. Our insulation is great plus we mostly just use fans in the summertime. I mean I will admit that some evenings can get pretty hot, however we make due anyway. It’s the Wintertide that I cannot stand. As a result, we have a heating plan that a northerner would be proud of. It fights off the cold from those alarming 40-degree evenings for sure! I can barely step outside during such weather, unless I really was dressed up appreciate an Eskimo. I’m sure all the Northerners would laugh at myself and others for the way I am dressed in weather that they are perfectly comfortable with in shorts plus flip-flops or whatever. Well they could pretend to be as difficult as they like, I will take our nice hot furnace, plus cup of hot root beer thank you. Like I said, our air conditioning plan conked out a long time ago plus we never bothered repairing it, however our furnace works just fine. I make sure to have that baby service officially in the fall. Maybe, eventually I will take up our Heating, Ventilation & A/C professional on his repeated offers to have our air conditioning plan repaired on the cheap. For now though, I am quite pleased with them keeping our furnace in tip-top shape, ready to keep myself and others hot at a moment’s notice!