I am simple when it comes to technology. I really don’t love to upgrade and don’t want to get with the times. I still have my first flip phone. It gets the task done, never needs a software upgrade, plus refuses to break. I still own an MP3 player rather than an iPod. However the little player keeps a charge for hours and never has an issue. I also have kept the same gas furnace and A/C equipment in my home since I have moved in. I have a basic forced air Heating plus A/C unit. It provides both heating and cooling. I control which one plus how much through a dial thermostat. The thermostat is a basic turning wheel that I turn to get the temperature I want. I have it set at 60 in the Summer. If the weather gets hot and inside the house gets warm, the air conditioning turns on, on its own. In the Winter I go for 65. If the temperatures drop, the oil furnace automatically turns on. I don’t have to mess with telling the idea when to do heating or cooling–it just does it. I set my thermostat just twice a year, then I leave it alone. I have heard about smart thermostats… They just sound like a pain to me though. The smart thermostat requires a daily program. It also wants times, zones plus days set for the temperature control program. I refuse to put in that much work. Also, it runs on Wi-Fi. If you lose internet or power, no temperature control for you. My dial thermostat never stops doing its task and requires nothing from me.