This is not a big deal

My husband and I get into it about nearly everything. Each one of us haven’t been married really all that long.  And both of us both have really strong personalities. I attribute some of our problems to this fact. I thought everything should be smooth sailing after our ceremony. I wore the most perfect dress, and we got married in the most relaxing church, then we bought our dream home. It was supposed to be a smooth trip from then on.  And all the strenuous stuff was supposed to be over, right? Yesterday afternoon he and I fought over phoning a Heating and A/C tech. I mentioned it might be a smart plan to have a professional come out to have a look at our system. I knew for sure it was a newer model because when both of us bought the house, this was a single one of the major selling points. I also knew both of us had no idea when the last year it had been looked at by an HVAC professional. Each one of us were absolutely going to be needing  our Heating and A/C plan soon, because the weather was starting to get Winter outside. It was just the littlest point, but somehow it erupted into this vital argument, but he said it just wasn’t the right time to be spending the cash. Heating and A/C workers can be high-priced. I replied it would be significantly less expensive than having to place a call to a Heating and A/C worker for an emergency call in the middle of some Winter night because our HVAC unit has a problem. Each one of us went back and forth for almost twenty minutes about our stupid Heating and A/C plan but neither of us would even budge. To be continued I guess.  Each one of us just always wants to think we’re right. And nothing any other person says can change this unless somehow we’re just proven wrong. In this case, I believe it would be stupid to just wait until the Heating and A/C plan breaks down simply to prove a point.

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