The people I was with as well as myself are certainly grateful for the help of more than one individual last weekend. The people I was with and myself were traveling on a dark deserted Highway. The people I was with and myself had been coming from more than one concert, and it was certainly a drive home. The people I was with and myself were quite cold, even with the furnace running in our car. When the tire blew out and we found out there was no spare, the people I was with and myself were forced to sit along side of the road waiting for the tow service. The tow service told us it would take at least an hour and a half to get to us, and we certainly were upset with the timing. We sat in the car with the furnace running for more than one hour. When the car was almost out of gas, the people I was with and myself had to make a choice. We could continue running the furnace and let the car run out of gas, or we could turn off the furnace and sit in the cold. The people I was with and myself were certainly prepared to turn off the furnace and freeze to death, but the tow truck driver appeared 30 minutes later. Luckily, none of us ended up with frostbite after sitting in the cold air for that amount of time. It was only 25 degrees outside, with light snow and freezing rain falling intermittently.