My current residence easily reeks of cigarettes. I got the residence for hardly anything as well as there was quite a bit of furniture left over. I was definitely excited with the deal until I smelled the residence. I have had the worst headache since I have moved in. I think it is the lingering cigarette smoke that is truly killing me. I have tried candles, diffusers, as well as even spraying perfume all over the locale, but the odors mix together as well as make it worse. I think what I will end up doing is getting an air purification system for my residence. I dislike the thought of buying a Heating as well as A/C machine add on just because the person before me smoked, but, there is literally nothing else I am able to do. An air purification system is really meant for getting rid of cigarette smoke and other terrible smells. The air purification system cleans out the contaminants in my breathing air allowing for exceptional air quality. Apparently, within a month the air cleaner will get rid of the smell altogether. After this, the air cleaner will get rid of any other kinds of smells as well as keep my indoor air conditions altogether fresh. It sounds like a pretty nice deal if you ask me. It is not all that much money to get an air purification system that installs right into the heating as well as cooling machine. That way it works in tandem when the Heating as well as A/C machine is on. The air purification system becomes way more effective in its task, however, I think it would be better for me to get one that just stands on its own. That way when I move, I will take my air cleaner with me. I won’t be forced to rip it out of the Heating as well as A/C machine as well as possibly mangle it.