A new A/C unit would be great

For those who have pets, they know how much self-sacrifice goes into making them happy. Of course though, self-sacrifice might not be the right word because I know how happy it makes me treating my little adorable furball like he’s the president of the planet Earth. He’s very particular about his food and refuses to eat the dry bagged cat food. He expects his litter box to be immaculately cleaned before and after each use. And when he isn’t happy, oh boy, does he whine. And loudly, I might add. Even though I bought him a cushy kitty bed with a really soft mattress, his preferred place to nap is usually on top of my basket of clean laundry. I guess you can say my incessant coddling of my most precious Mister Whiskers, has made him quite particular about his climate. I know as soon as the temperature is not right because sure enough he’s going to let me hear it. Now I know my adorable ball of fur is always comfortable when my central air is kept at a cool sixty-five degrees. I updated my HVAC system recently when I called my local central air dealership recently. I originally called for a service technician just to do the annual HVAC maintenance, in preparation for the upcoming (and scorching) summer. But I learned that I could upgrade my old thermostat to one that works with the WiFi network I already have in my home! It’s really nifty and convenient that I can control my central air from my IPhone when I am not even at home! Remote climate control of my HVAC has given me tremendous relief and confidence that my precious furball is always comfortable.