I work as a matchmaker at an online dating service from home area time, however it is a absolutely cool task and easy way to make extra income in my spare time, then doing this task really requires getting a lot of customers to find their perfect potential match through the dating service. You come across all kinds of interesting profiles to maintain, and all kinds of interesting things that people are looking for to have their exact match. For instance, there was a single client who was a heating and cooling specialist, and was looking for another heating and cooling repair person to be her new lover and potential partner! That I have to say is a strenuous a single, as there are not a whole lot of heating and cooling specialists that are registered with our service, and also, that is a pretty tricky request to handle! The client also mentioned that she wanted this because, she works long hours and wants her other half to do the same, and guess about the Heating, Ventilation & A/C industry, the latest in Heating, Ventilation & A/C technology and also how to fully service anyone’s Heating, Ventilation & A/C unit. I for myself wonder what it would be like living with a heating and cooling specialist with that much passion for Heating, Ventilation & A/C technology and repair? I am not sure I personally would be interested in someone like that as I find Heating, Ventilation & A/C boring to be honest, other than it laboring for heating and cooling my house! To each their own as they say in the movies. That’s just the way it is sometimes, however all around though as I said, I absolutely dig working as a matchmaker for the dating service!