When I was over at my fiance’s place the other day, I realized that she kept her heating method up way too high–at least for me–it was incredibly uncomfortable… I remember asking her if she could adjust the climate control unit so it wouldn’t be so sizzling in her place. Although she said it felt just fine plus she liked to have the climate control unit set at 72 degrees. I personally keep my household temperature control method set at 65 degrees, so this felt way too warm for me. I finally talked her into going for a walk with me. I really just wanted to escape that blazing warm house, but thought it would be nice to spend some time together on a nice walk. Then she put on her heavy coat, hat, plus gloves. It wasn’t all that freezing outside, so I thought she might be a little overdressed , although she liked to be as toasty as possible. So the two of us walked to the park plus walked down the many paths. However both of us actually had a pretty nice time. It wasn’t even something that the two of us planned, but it was nice just to talk. Plus at the same time I did not have to deal with a heating method that was blasting too much heat. She was saying the two of us should go back to her place, but I told her I had a better idea. Both of us could go back to my place plus I would cook supper for the both of us. Then while she did prefer the sound of that, I mostly didn’t want to become warm again in my fiance’s place. If this thing was going to work, the two of us had to figure out a compromise for the temperature control settings.