My newborn has his own little nursery in the house. The nursery smells so bad that I can hardly stand to walk in it now. My wife and I have tried to get rid of the dirty diaper smell, but it is not working. All the dirty diapers are immediately removed and taken to the outdoor trash. We have tried cleaning the room and adding a diffuser in there. No matter what, the nursery smells just like baby poop. I have looked around online and I found that air purifiers can remove odors from the air quality. I specifically researched about dirty diapers and found the there are air cleaners that can help with this. The air purification system can target the icky odor in our air quality and the home will smell fresh again. I know that my wife and I have to get this air cleaner. I know you can get an air purifier that stands on its own and one that installs in the heating and air conditioning equipment. What one would work better? The stand up air cleaner model could literally be next to the problem. Also, I think it would not disturb our baby at all. I feel like one that installs into the HVAC would work way better though. When the air blows out of the HVAC, it would be cleaned through the air purifier. That seems like a more powerful air cleaning method. I have loosely thought about buying both. I am desperate to remove that smell from my indoor air conditions.