My girlfriend has been sick all month & I wanted to do something to help her recognize better. She has the flu & has been stuck in bed for five days no, & she still does not recognize any better. At first, she told me not to stop by her locale because she didn’t want to get me sick. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want the flu, however I still want to take care of her. I went over to her locale with some soup & the house was practically cold! She was perspiring in her bed from a fever, so she had turned the cooling system on full blast. I thought this was deranged given that it was the middle of the winter, however she needed to do what she had to do to recognize better. I told her to forget the soup, & left to grab her a milkshake to help cool her down. By the time I got back, she was wrapped up in blankets with the heat running! I was shocked at how suddenly she had switched things up. She was eating the soup & shivering with the chills. Apparently this entire month has consisted of her switching the a/c & the heat on & off to compensate with her tepid flashes & chills! Luckily for her, she has a smart thermostat that allows her to change the temperature right from her phone. If she had to keep getting up & walking over to the thermostat, I believe she would have let me come over a lot sooner. I felt actually bad that she was feeling so poorly, however I sat with her as she switched the temperature every twenty sixths & alternated between the soup & the milkshake. It would have been funny if she wasn’t feeling so sick, however I am ecstatic she has a nice heating & cooling system to help her recognize better.