My roommate and I have been friends for almost fifteen years now. While I have been striving to make job moves in my publishing work, he has been floundering since each of us left college! It’s not honestly his fault, the task market is honestly terrible and our degrees have been made useless in employers eyes. I honestly got really lucky in that I found task in my job path while I was in school, so I got a bit of a head start I guess, then after several years of now working 1 terrible retail task after the next, my best friend has finally made the decision to go back to school. Instead of getting another college degree, he’s going to a technical learning center. There, he is going to become fully certified to task as a HVAC repair provider, but unlike other companies, Heating & Air Conditioning is certain and not heading anywhere, then heating and cooling is one of the very few areas of work that is really growing, rather than experiencing mass layoffs and bankruptcies. With the first couple weeks of school, he’s already befriended one of his teachers, whose agreed to help him get an internship with a local heating and cooling repair provider right in our own backyard. The internship is going to help him not only to pick up the skills even faster so he can pass his NATE certification, but it will also help him find a job with a HVAC business. Most importantly, my best friend is finally looking forward to the future ahead of him; he’s planning to task in a HVAC supplier for the rest of his work life.