When I was transferred to the North for work, I thought it was going to be a pleasant change, and my employer handled all of the costs for the traninterest plus got me into a cozy household; I was surprised when I seen there was not only a furnace, however there was also a fireplace. I thought the fireplace was nice however I didn’t think I would be depending on it all around the clock. Well, I was from the South, so I didn’t think exactly what to expect however I figured it couldn’t get all that cold. Well, when the Winter finally arrived, I realized just how cold it got in the North! The hot plus cold temperatures dropped so suddenly plus we got so much snow! In the South, I was used to having to use the a/c plan for the majority of the year. Now it was so freezing my buns off, I had to go on to crank the temperature control plus get the heating flowing in the household. I also had to winterize the cabin to keep the drafts from coming into my home; Previously during the lovely warmer weather, I very thought I wasn’t going to have to use the fireplace, however with it being so cold, I began using the fireplace as often as I could! I very ordered more wood so I would have enough to use on a proper basis! I eventually realized that living in the North, it’s crucial to have several heating sources in case the furnace fails. That would be so upsetting if that were to happen as it would be taxing to depend solely on the fireplace! The thing I hated the most was having to constantly shovel snow and scrape ice from the windshield of my truck!