Thanksgiving is always a travel headache where I live, as well as this year was exception, however not only do you have crazy traffic as well as old, slender highways that don’t leave a lot of options, however the people I was with and I also had severely frigid temperatures, and the news that evening said it was the coldest day we’ve had in our state since 1877–that’s just ridiculous! It’s not even the first day of winter, as well as already we’re all turning up our central gas furnaces to keep from frigid death. Throughout the drive, you would pass streets of rural homes as well as aroma the wood burning in their fireplaces as they tried to keep warm. I’m so lucky that where I go every year is always really toasty. That’s the bonus of going to visit your elders–they always get colder than you do, so you never have to ask them to turn up the thermostat, once I had gotten apartment though, I had to rush inside as well as turn up terrible old dial thermostat just to get our apartment warming up again, and my pet was curled up on our electric blanket, which even though it had been off for minutes was still warmer than the rest of the house. I ended up turning the electric blanket on high as well as curling up underneath it with our pet on top of me, while she as well as I waited for the electric furnace to slowly however surely get the apartment to a livable temperature. I guess I’m going to have to get a programmable thermostat or something in the next couple of months. This apartment takes way too long to heat back up, which is crazy because it’s not all that big.