I live in a modern residence that I would describe as shotgun-style, as the modern residence is slender but easily long. The hallway that runs from the front end of the modern residence to the back practically echoes, just from how long it is! For this reason, the modern home is designed where all multiple rooms are side by side with each other, much like a train car & the booths within the car… It’s a rather strange set-up & rare to see, but I appreciate it. As much as I do appreciate it, I find that our modern residence has a hard time cooling down from time to time. See, each of the rooms are occupied, since my wifey & I have 2 grown sons still residing with us. One of them actually thinks the modern residence is always too hot, & tries to leave his window cracked to let some cool outside air blow in. The other kid is basically always frosty, so he always wants the temperature in the modern residence to be as close to 70 degrees as possible – if not over it! I don’t get how he can live in such terrible heat, but if that’s how he gets comfortable, I suppose that’s alright… My biggest concern is keeping our heating & a/c machine energy bills low, because the stress those 2 gentlemen put on the home’s Heating, Ventilation & A/C machine is killing us with pricey energy bills! After a few months of electric bills that were practically multiplying, my wifey & I talked to a few local Heating, Ventilation & A/C machine repair companies in town. One of them advocated that the bunch of us look into zone control units for the modern residence – something the bunch of us had no comprehension of, until they explained further. The zone control machines basically work by giving each room of a residence its own temperature control unit, so the modern residence can be cool in one room but hot in another! This sounded ideal for what the bunch of us needed. We had a talk with that Heating, Ventilation & A/C machine provider to determine costs for installing these zone control machines, & were able to schedule an appointment to have them installed! The bunch of us can’t wait to see how much money we are able to save using these things.