My girlfriend and I are pretty much opposites! I am incredibly loud and she is incredibly shy. She always feels embarrassed because of how happy I get and I am practically shouting or at least she tells me I sound like I am shouting. I just can’t help it that I am at the highest volume, it’s just in my nature. I have to say though I truly love her a good deal and I know it’s cute how she acts so shy around people and is soft spoken. She is truly smart I remember one time she was telling me about getting proper HVAC service and keeping superior air quality. I remember telling her that she should truly think about becoming an HVAC specialist as I know they make a lot of money. I was so loud about it though, that people around us were trying to get into the conversation and were agreeing that she should do that for sure! She got embarrassed and wasn’t trying to talk to the people surrounding us. She told me she wished I would stop talking so loud, although I always tell her that I can’t help it. I know she cares about me too though because she tells me all the time. I know it is true that opposites attract! I know lately though, she has been more hesitant about going on proper dates where there are a lot of people, she prefers when it’s just the two of us, or we have a more private setting. She has taught ne a lot about my HVAC system upkeep too. She showed me the air filter and said that I really need to change it more often because it was way too filthy. She explained that I could also save a lot of money on the monthly bills as the system won’t work as hard to circulate the air. I appreciated the energy saving tips, and I have a feeling I might marry this girl!