My next door acquaintance is a little off her rocker. She is a absolutely nice lady, despite the fact that she easily believes her parents are still living with her, when they are in fact passed on… I don’t mean to be insensitive, despite the fact that she believes her parents were reincarnated into cats. These stray cats came to her townhouse the morning after her parents had passed. That’s why she believes the cats were her parents who came back to live with her as well as watch over her. While the whole situation makes for a very touching story, it’s clearly not reality. I never say anything about it though, I always remain respectful of her beliefs. It was silly the other morning when I went to her home though. I commented how the air quality in her townhouse was incredible. She explained that she just had her central heater and air conditioner updated. She told me that her mom told her to update to hydronic heating along with a nice air purification system. She said that her mom was telling her that is the best heating program to have as well as she would absolutely adore the air purification system. I told her, that her mother was clearly a smart woman. She looked at the animal as well and said, “Yes you are Mom!” That was a bit awkward for me when she started talking to that stray cat as though this animal was absolutely her mother. Then the other stray cat came into the room, and so to be nice I said, “So, is that your father?” She said, “Yes! How did you know?” She then proceeded to talk to that animal like it was her father. I was done, I told her I had to be on our way.