This past August saw some of the worst as well as violent thunderstorms I have ever been through in our area. For quite a long length of time, it was pretty much accepted that every afternoon, a violent thunderstorm would roll in as well as I just hoped that they would be earlier in the day as well as not while every one of us were driving back from the office. I believe thunderstorms are not necessarily evil, unless you are unlucky enough to get struck by lightning or something. However, I will admit that the daily downpour had led to some drastic flooding such as our little city streets had not seen in quite a while. For me as well as our family, the most unbearable thing about the thunderstorms this year was what a lightning strike did to our power. The people I was with and I all happened to be home a single Monday afternoon while every one of us were in a violent thunderstorm when every one of us witnessed the loudest as well as closest lightning strike every one of us had ever encountered. It was pretty clear that the lightning hit the home, because all the lights blew as well as the other appliances. That also meant that every one of us were soon to be longing for air conditioning. All of the rain did not really give off a cooling effect as you might believe as well as it was still a really tepid August. The people I was with and I ended up spending the rest of the evening looking for ways to stay cool with no air conditioning. It ended up getting so miserably tropical; it was a night I prefer not to remember that evening. The people I was with and I were all desperately wanting the air conditioning to blow some cold air out the air vents. Not to mention the fact that the frogs as well as the other critters in the night air were making us go deaf, never mind not allowing us to get enough rest.There was no Heating as well as Air Conditioning system running to cover up their noise.