I love my children to death, but sometimes they can be a major hassle & source of constant stress. I could be on our way to work in the morning & out of nowhere I get a ring from the school nurse asking myself and others to opening our child up because he’s sick. Other times in life I have to cancel plans with our fiance to take our kid to her ballet recitals. At the very least, they are wonderful with keeping their rooms & the rest of the apartment clean. The only serious issue I have is with the Heating & Air Conditioning control unit. No matter what I say to them both, & no matter how far I go to stress with them the importance of respecting our wishes to keep their hands off the temperature control, nothing seems to do the trick. I don’t like returning home at night to find the apartment repeatedly cycling on about 76 degrees with our youngsters off in a random room playing with toys. I finally broke down & picked up a lock box to place over my Heating & Air Conditioning control unit. It’s a small clear plastic box that screws into the wall, encapsulating the entire control component inside. The front panel has a door that swings open & has one lock installed to keep the enclosure secure until someone authorized with a key comes by to unlock it. I wish I could insist on teaching the youngsters this lesson a rather strange way, although I have simply run out of time now. Even if I had unlimited resources on our plan with the electric corporation, no a/c can run that strenuous long term without failing abruptly & constantly. Now, the only people who can get to the control unit are my fiance & I.