My child Andy drives myself and my wife boners sometimes; I really don’t suppose either of us have raised him to be a brat, however sometimes he really seems to behave that way! If it’s not whining & complaining about what we’re having for dinner, it’s complaining about having to do his chores, like doing the dishes or taking his dog for walks… Recently, he’s started complaining about something all together new! Now he’s starting to complain about how his parents keep the temperature setting on our climate control system. I tried to explain to him that he just cannot be in charge of the climate control component or the heating & cooling system at our lake house, although he just doesn’t seem to understand that fact. I told him that his Mom & I have to be the ones who change the temperature control settings in the lake home; otherwise, our heat & air conditioning system bills would be astronomically high. Yet he just doesn’t understand how a programmable thermostat works… He seems to operate under the assumption that the lower you turn down the temperature on the air conditioner, the faster the home will cool off. Well, as both of us all know, that is just not the case; that’s not how a central cooling system works! I’m racking my brain trying to think of what we can do to help combat his entitled attitude. I’m thinking that maybe both of us should make our child start to spend his allowance on the heating bills in the lake home & also for the air conditioner bills! That will certainly make him be more cautious before he starts messing around with the control unit!