Since I have 5 teenagers, I find working a task outside the condo is not an option. One of the teenagers constantly needs something, and I love to be available to them. I decided I could run a pet grooming company from my home. I figured that the startup equipment wouldn’t be too bothersome of an investment, and I could set my own hours. I would still be on-call for the teenagers. My husband helped me convert our laundry room into a suitable task area. Buying the industrial sized sink, clippers, dryers and all of the necessary equipment was far more luxurious than I anticipated. Plus, the laundry room wasn’t included in the home’s central heating and cooling system. We usually managed temperature control with a portable air conditioning and a couple of area heaters. Since I was spending long hours finally working, I needed something more sophisticated. It didn’t take long to realize that I also needed a heating/cooling system to help combat the smell of wet dog. The smell would seep into the rest of the condo and was nauseous disgusting. I ended up consulting with a Heating and Air Conditioning company who told me that I needed a commercial heating/cooling system. He quoted me an astronomical price that I was unwilling to pay. If I spent that much on a gas furnace and air conditioning, I’d never reuse the investment. I finally went online, did some research, and came up with program to install a ductless heat pump. I asked around and found a reputable Heating and Air Conditioning company who quoted me a reasonable price for the purchase and installation.