I’ve been trying to keep my hands off that darn temperature control. However, with this terribly warm weather, it has been truly taxing to do so. I realize, of course, that if I continue to adjust the temperature control lower for cooler air, I will have difficulty paying for my electric bill in a week. I suppose that everyone is in the same boat as I am, but I don’t have to pay their bills. Nor do I worry about their air conditioner usage. It is the cost of running my air conditioner that I’m sad about. I live alone, so in the past, I had been turning off the air conditioner. However, I’ve stopped that practice, since I learn that it takes longer to cool all the furniture down. Instead, I raise the temperature control a few degrees so the air conditioner will not come on as often. It only takes a few seconds to cool the beach house down again at the end of the day, once I lower the temperature at the climate control. Of course, to help with the energy use, I keep all the blinds closed, eliminating that sunshine. That sizable window undoubtedly does come in handy in the Wintertime, though; I don’t have to use the heating system as much on sunny days. However, this is the middle of summer season, plus my air conditioner is not sending as much cold air out through my beach house as I’d like. So I’m staying in front of the fan, underneath the air conditioner vents. I’m hoping that some air conditioner is better than no air conditioner.