My child is definitely a curious little one, as he always gets into everything in our house, then despite being only six years old, this little person has already figured out how to disarm our home security method and unlock our back door, just to go outside and look at bugs with a magnifying glass! It’s amazing to me how intelligent such a young boy can be, and while his smarts can get him into trouble at home, it does make him strenuous to discipline. Last week, our child asked if he could bring our portable section oil furnace to school for show-and-tell. I thought that was a pretty wild request, so promptly responded with a stern no. However, curiosity got the better of me, so I asked him what his intentions were with our portable electric oil furnace. “I want to show our class how infrared heat works”, he said. I scratched our head, as I was curious to think how that subject even came up, but I told him I would suppose about it. I ultimately decided to compromise, and agreed to bring it to school just for him to show it while I was in his presentation. When I brought our little infrared section oil furnace to his school, our child eagerly restrained the portable little heating component into a wall outlet as he talked about how infrared heating works. Resting his hand on the surface of the section heater, our child explained how the heat could be felt in the room, however the source of the heat was safe to touch – meaning no one could be disfigured from touching it! My child must be meant for mechanical engineering, or at least now working as a heating and air conditioner specialist. Wise beyond his years, our child will likely be the one repairing our home’s heating and cooling systems in no time.