While you may could suffering through a nasty heatwave, it’s incredibly crucial to make certain all of the members of your family are looked after when the temperature starts to spike. If you don’t have central HVAC or even just a little window AC unit, this means watching after your pets too. Cats, dogs, as well as even small rodents are as prone to overheating as all of us humans are so we to need care and pay attention. Unlike you and I, they can’t simply go take a freezing shower or get to the kitchen for a glass of water. So, always be sure your pets have access to plenty of water as well as food. But for pets as well as cats alike, a fantastic idea to keep them cool as well as give them some fun activity to do is to put a few ice cubes in their water dish. Not too many, mind you, because ice water will actually make them sick on a hot day. However 3 or less should be fine. My parents pets love to bat the ice cubes around, they’ll even eat some of the ice cubes sometimes! For cats, if you can’t have AC you’ll need to be certain they’re keeping themselves cool. Overheated critters will become nauseous. As cats don’t really pant like dogs do to regulate body temperature, you’ll have to take care they don’t get sick while in a heat wave. One of the very easiest ways to cool down a animal is to wipe them down with a small ice pack! Simply take an ice pack from the freezer like the ones you’d put in a supper box, then pet your dog with it for a few minutes. If you do own an a/c, think about keeping it on a low thermostat setting even when you’re not at home. Not only is this an energy aver tip, it will also keep your little beasts comfortable as well as healthy.