About 16 or 17 years ago now, I remember going to my sister’s wedding. It was held outdoors, smack in the middle of the super hot summer season. I really did not understand how or why my sister wanted to have her wedding outdoors on such a hot time of the year! Though, she has always been a little loony if you ask me. There was no escape from the heat and no way to get in any kind of air conditioning unless we ran into the hotel we were staying at. At least in there, the air conditioning system was working so fine, it was refreshing. Also, the air quality was great as they had an air purifier in the lobby and even in every hotel room. I remember all of us were sweating like dogs from being in that hot weather with the sun beaming on us. No air conditioning around. I could not wait till the wedding reception so I could just get into the cool comfort of the top of the line central air conditioning they had in the hall they rented for the wedding reception! I swore to myself that if it was even the slightest of hot in that place, that I would run to the thermostat on the wall and crank it all the way down, even if I got arrested by police for doing it! I need my air conditioning no matter what in this ridiculous heat! Thankfully, it was over, and I went back to my hotel room drunk off my face, but so relaxed and glad it was all over, and that I could once again enjoy the nice high quality air conditioning in the hotel room!