The last few mornings the cooling system has been on so high that while in the night I wake up shivering. At first I thought it was a fluke. My spouse plus I just got central cooling system a few weeks ago. Both of us updated our whole Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system, in fact. Since then, the people I was with and I haven’t used it much until Last week when the temperature skyrocketed where the people I was with and I live. Both of us were ready with the cooling system, plus the first few uses had a particular amount of novelty, but then the people I was with and I got into a pattern plus things were pretty much back to normal. Then, this week began, plus every night I have had to wake up plus adjust the temperature in the house. I was noticing the cooling system was set way too low. Last night, after 3 mornings of waking up frigid cold, I decided to play with the thermostat plus re-adjust the set temperature before bed so that I didn’t wake up while in the night. It didn’t help, somehow… I still woke up frigid, plus the thermostat was set to the same ridiculously low temperature again! I think like there’s a conspiracy or something going on! How does this keep happening! I suppose tonight, what I’ll do is stay awake a little longer than normal. I want to see if my spouse is setting the thermostat purposely that low. If I rule that out, then I suppose I’m going to have to call the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C business that installed the plan for us. Obviously if it is just doing this on its own something is wrong.