My girlfriend and I are attempting to live more on less money. Times have changed as has the spending power of a dollar. Both of our friends snicker at our little attempts to save money. At lunch, we regularly, regularly eat the special or a “value item.” She and I easily will shop the hell out of a grocery store with coupon book in hand. So, it’s no wonderful surprise we’ve now zeroed in on slashing the utility bill at home. From the start, we have put a premium on temperature comfort within my dwelling. We applied some of the everyday savings to keeping the temperature control right where we wanted it. The condo we live in will be cool enough or sizzling enough as long as we have work. Yet, she and I knew there were little details which would help decrease energy use. None of what I will mention is cutting edge or revolutionary in thought. They are simply additional ideas, which when combined, can generate a total savings of 15 percent off the utility bill. We started with the smart temperature control. This piece of technology is both effective as well as efficient. I was baffled by how swiftly it received our patterns as well as adjusted the temperature accordingly. I am in the South, so cooling is a priority. The smart temperature control also integrates my automatic blinds. During the heat of the morning, the temperature control dials up the temp to just over 76 degrees. It also reads the direct morning light signals from the auto shades. The smart temperature control then closes blinds as the morning light dictates. I suppose it seems trivial but, the annual savings to myself and my girlfriend will be something close to five hundred dollars. That will buy us a bunch of lunch dates.