It’s finally almost there, plus then I can finally relax for a short while. We’re so close to having at least one of our rooms altogether finished at this up-to-date lake residence that the people I was with and I recently moved into, plus I am so excited about it. You see, moving was a pressing ordeal overall, plus it became a rather stressful obstacle that spread out over several months somehow. As such, just getting all of our possessions into this lake residence felt like a pressing accomplishment when it was finally all done. Now, I’m certainly going through plus trying to figure out a nice set up for each plus every room. At the moment, the sunroom is the closest to being a complete hang space. It’s the most lovely room of the residence easily. This is really thanks to all the extra fresh air plus free lighting out there. If you are in need of some extra air or desire to catch a breeze, you can periodically open a window plus trap a cool air flow as it passes by. Of course at other times you are entirely out of luck and there is often no cool breeze to direct into the room at all. This is since the people I was with and I live in the Deep South where the air is thick, stagnant, plus severely hot. That’s why the only renovation that still needs to be made to the sunroom is the addition of a reliable overhead ceiling fan. You see, the room has some A/C thanks to its connection to the central cooling machine, however there’s no way to circulate the cooling air once inside the room. If the people I was with and I could supply a gentle breeze plus some air flow to the tiny indoor environment, it would be the most enjoyable plus comfortable room I could actually dream of. I’m so delighted one room of this lake residence is almost ready to use… next the people I was with and I just need to transfer our beds inside the residence.