I find it so funny the amount of stuff that most school students will whine in addition to complain about in this day and age. My oldest child is in her truly first year of university, in addition it seems that every other afternoon she is sending myself or my wife a text, or even calling one of us with something to complain about. Last month it was constantly about the bad food that they have been serving in the only cafeteria on campus; and this week, it’s about the heating in addition to cooling unit in her room. She has to share the unit with her roommate, in addition to this she says that she constantly worries about how cold her roommate leaves the heating in addition to cooling unit when she is out. I guess that all of these advances in the heating, ventilation in addition to A/C world have made this next generation soft, my child included… Back when I was in school several years ago, I would have enjoyed having a heating in addition to cooling unit at all! Instead of having that particular luxury, my roommate in addition to I had only a small ceiling fan and a few windows to open to keep us cooled off. During the winter season, we just tended to pile up the blankets in addition to sleep in warm weather gear! Even though I had to deal with these annoying conditions, I had an amazing time in addition to I never once called back to my parents to whine about no AC or heat. Perhaps my child needs to attend a less privileged school out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe this way, she will learn a thing or several about how great she has it. She would learn that there are much worse things than having to complain constantly over the temperature of the heating in addition to cooling system!