A mini split in the bathroom

The two people in my life that mean the most, wanted to move into the basement of my hubby and my home. It was certainly going to be an undertaking, and the two of us had to make a lot of changes. One of those changes was setting up the basement with a furnace, ventilation, and A/C equipment. The two of us actually chose a different type of equipment, and the two of us found that a ductless system would actually work great for our space. The biggest problem was worrying about the windows, because the space for my mom and dad did not have any Windows already. We thought the only way we could add the proper climate control, was by ducting the existing Network to our basement. It seemed very expensive when the two of us discussed this matter with the furnace, ventilation, and A/C equipment company. They suggested the ductless mini cut furnace, ventilation and AC equipment. I thought it would be very expensive, but it actually turned out to be a reasonable Prospect for the two of us. The installation was certainly a gruelling process and we also had to cut part of the wall away to make room for the ductless furnace, ventilation, and AC equipment. Overall, I think this will work out best for the space, and I think my parents are going to enjoy the area that we built for them and the fact that the two of them will have their own bedroom and even a bathroom with multiple thanks.

ductless HVAC