Years and years, my career dates back quite a ways. Let’s just say I was in school when bell-bottoms and shag haircuts were the only way to go. As soon as I graduated from school, I was thrust into the insurance world. I would then start genuinely working in the first office of numerous to come. I enjoy the method of getting up, getting dressed up to head somewhere else to work. The separation space of the dynamic was nice for me. I was able to be finished with job mindset by the time I came home to my family. This trait was a godsend. Now, the kids are gone although I find myself in transition. There no longer is an office to go to. Thank you insurance downsizing. I am creating an office in my lake home. And the first thing I’m addressing is the heating and air conditioning. My current office will be my son’s converted art studio. It sits on the second floor in a easily exposed corner of the house. The room is steaming in the summer season however ever so freezing while every one of us were in the Winter season. My first call was to the heating and air conditioning company I’ve used for all these years. My brilliant heating and cooling service pro came out to provide me with a superb heating and air conditioning solution. His opinion is to install a separate heating and cooling plan for the old art studio. I thought he was insane until he explained. Using a mini split ductless heating and air conditioning plan was the recommendation. This is not a window air conditioner unit. No sir, the small mini split plan will maintain any thermostat setting I choose for my current office. I ordered one right there on the spot. The heating and air conditioning installation men should have it in my office within the next two weeks. They even said the heating and air conditioning upgrade will be done before lunch.