I had cause to travel out of state for a funeral last week. However, this meant staying in a hotel. The only problem, there was just one hotel in the entire small town. It was an antique hotel too so it was protected by the historical society. There were websites claiming the place was haunted. I didn’t see ghosts but I did have to suffer with some of the hotel’s antique amenities. The bathroom was beyond tiny as well as the bathroom door wouldn’t close all the way. There were only 3 outlets for the entire room! And, worst of all, was the air conditioning. Because the hotel was a historic building, they could not do any major renovations separate from getting approval. Because of this, our only air conditioning in the room was provided by a noisy mobile A/C . This mobile A/C took up a lot of our space as well as looked out of place for this historic hotel. It was connected to the single window in the room by several stretchy hoses and then duct taped into place. Overall, I would guess the air conditioning idea lowered the ambiance of the room by one or several stars. I couldn’t help to wonder if this was the ONLY option the hotel had for cooling guests as well as still keeping the building historic. The hallways as well as foyer of the hotel were sizzling and humid as there was no air conditioning at all in any of these areas. I’d care to say I will never be back to that hotel. However, it is the only one for about 30 miles and I have family in that area. I know I may have to visit again.