My lovely partner & I used to fight with each other all the time over the most crazy things… One thing that was often the cause of our fights was the temperature control, but the two of us could never come to terms on the temperature control settings so we were constantly increasing the temperature control back & forth day and night. She would turn on the a/c all of the time & I would raise the temperature to ease off on the energy consumption, i truly would rather keep the a/c on a reasonable setting & have fans running to lower the cost of the energy bills. She prefers her a/c so I knew that we had to find a final solution for this good cause of tension between us. One afternoon I decided to call the Heating & A/C business to see if there was a best possible way to solve this problem. The Heating & A/C worker I spoke to said there was a great solution, then he said Heating & A/C zone control would allow for us to separate the Heating & A/C in zones to heat & cool areas at specific set temperatures. I thought this sounded fascinating & felt this would be ideal for us. With that being said I arranged to have the Heating & A/C updated to Heating & A/C zone control, ever since we had this update, we have been so much happier. She gets to blast her a/c all the time while I get to keep the rest of the new home at a even-handed temperature to keep the energy bills low. This way we are both cheerful, & I felt this was a truly even-handed compromise. We really don’t fight nearly as much anymore.