Having gone through problems in the past with my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system, I always tell people to stay on top of things. I have told many friends as well as family in addition to everybody I could think to tell, and people tend to shrug it off or they say they already are on top of things and I shouldn’t worry about what’s going on with them. Well, I can’t help but worry because I would hate to see anybody out there suffer the same situations that I have been in. I couldn’t tell you how terrible it was when my gas furnace failed in the Winter time weeks ago. I had to pay for emergency repairs and that cost a lot of cash! It was either that or freeze to death, and I absolutely couldn’t afford to just stay at a hotel for an extended period of time. The thing I have figured out is that if you change your air filters consistently, and you have your Heating, Ventilation and A/C system tests on twice per year. Then you will never have to worry about this happening to you! Your friendly Heating, Ventilation and A/C worker will change out worn parts in your system, clean it out good, check for leaks, and give needed tune-ups! Trust me, these gentlemen are experts, they go to school to become certified for this type of work! I have known people that have tried to repair their own Heating, Ventilation and A/C systems and ended up doing more injury to their systems than helping things. If you don’t understand what you’re doing, it’s certainly not worth mangling your system up while trying to figure things out. Leave it to the professionals! What you need to do is stay on top of those air filter changes as well as clean things out if you can do that, and other than that, make sure to call your local Heating, Ventilation and A/C corporation.