About a year ago, I got a job at a local craft store. We sell things like yarn, paints, fabrics, thread, sewing machines, canvases, and woodworking tools. I really love my job. The hours are not all that demanding, and the people I work with are super nice. My responsibilities are quite simple, and I get a discount on purchases. The only drawback of the job is the lack of air conditioning in the store. During the winter, I have no complaints. Although the weather in my area is extremely cold and snowy, the store’s heating system maintains a comfortable temperature. I have access to the thermostat and simply bump up the setting when I arrive in the morning. The heating system is powerful enough to quickly warm up the entire store. I then lower the thermostat right before I leave at the end of the day. During the summer, however, conditions in the store are downright unbearable. There is nothing but overhead fans to help combat the heat. The overhead fans collect dust and are very hard to reach and clean. They tend to spread a great deal of dust around, and provide very little relief from the heat and humidity. I sometimes leave the exterior door open, hoping to bring in a breeze. This also welcomes in dust, pollen, exhaust fumes, bugs and noise. Because of the lack of air conditioning, I always try to work less hours in the summer. I take my vacation time during the month of July, just to avoid the heat.