I have been wanting to go on a date with this girl from work for so long now. We have worked together in the same office for almost two months now, and at the end of the work week on friday I finally asked her out. To my surprise, she said yes! When I went to pick her up on saturday night, I couldn’t wait to take her to my favorite italian restaurant out on the edge of town. Once we arrived to the restaurant however, it was a totally different story. It felt like it was an icebox in there. Usually during the winter season, the have a lovely heated gas furnace running in the dining area. Apparently the owner is trying to save money on his monthly energy bills, because it was so cold in there I could see my own breath. I went and asked our waiter if he could talk to somebody about turning on the heating, but everyone I talked to said that was not possible. My date looked less than impressed with me. In fact, she just looked super cold and angry Not only was the a/c super cold, but the massive unit was so loud that we had to yell at each other from a foot away just to have a conversation. By the time dinner was over we were both freezing cold and upset. Luckily for me, I knew of an ice cream shop that is around the corner. Hopefully a little bit of ice cream will save this date from being a total disaster!