Sundays are the best! I have a routine that I adhere to. I wake up, enjoy breakfast, read the newspaper, and after church, I always go to the Dipson Theater to catch a new motion picture. I have always loved movies, and that’s why I adore seeing a new release each week, however the only time I didn’t enjoy my Sunday routine was yesterday when I only got halfway through the motion picture before the A/C went out. Unfortunately, everyone in the entire theater was perspiring, and I was seriously uncomfortable with it, so I asked a staff member what was going on with the air conditioning system, but all that they could tell me was that they had already done everything they could to repair it and now they were waiting for the heating & air conditioning company. Knowing this, I decided to leave the theater early. There was absolutely no way that I would have been able to watch the rest of the picture without working air conditioning, so I opted instead to get some ice cream. Although I hated not being able to finish the picture, I thoroughly enjoyed the ice cream and even better was the fact that I was able to enjoy it in a place that had a great air conditioner! Hopefully, by this coming weekend the A/C will be fixed, since I really want to finish watching that film, so I hope it’s back in perfect shape by then. If not, I will simply order it on Netflix when it’s available and watch it at home. At least, at home, I have a well-working air conditioning unit. I might have to find a new way to keep my Sunday afternoon routine going!