There are few things that I prefer more in this world than going to shows. I grew up in a pretty rough crowd plus the two of us were all drawn together by the midwestern punk scene, where the two of us could go to concerts plus scream our lungs out with fellow misguided adolescents. I love every area of the activity, from pre-gaming in the alley next to the show to jumping into the pit plus desperately trying to stay upright as the crowd tosses you back plus forth. The 1 thing I don’t endelight nearly as much as a blossoming adult is sleeping on the floor of some dirty beach house after the concert ends… See, these afternoons I have to travel into the neighborhood to attend, plus I constantly end up crashing at a friend’s condo afterwards. The complication is, they are constantly filthy plus uncomfortable in every respect. I mean, the last few times I’ve stayed with our buddy Danny she hasn’t even had reasonable heating or cooling for the outdoor air conditions. Her beach house is either blazing tepid or frigidly cold, depending on the season, plus if you ask about the thermostat she seems totally ignorant to the temperature control settings. I’ve spent so several days either wrapped in thin blankets, shivering against the cold indoor air or else layed totally splayed open on the floor, mopping sweat off our scalp all night. It seems like no matter what the season, she is hardly using her central air conditioner or heating. I believe her continual thermo struggle is all area of the punk rock lifestyle.